Number of Days: [NumberOfDays]
Between dates: [StartDate] and [EndDate]
Location: [Location]
If you have any questions, click here for more information, or see your teacher.
If you are under 15 years, we need your parent/caregiver's consent and signature. Please see your teacher for a paper registration form.
The Smith Family is committed to respecting your privacy and we understand how important it is to protect an individual's personal data. We encourage you to read our 'Collecting your Personal Information Statement'.
The Smith Family is committed to protecting your privacy.
Please read the 'Collecting your Personal Information Statement' for further details on how we may collect, store and use information on this form or collected during the program.
The consent you give on this form to the collection and use of personal information is consent for the matters set out in the 'Collecting your Personal Information Statement'.
If you have any questions or concerns about how we will collect and handle personal information, please phone 1800 024 069.