Eden VIEW Club
Currently, the Club sponsors three Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family programs.
We are always open to new members, so please get in touch today and come and see what it's all about.
- When: Meeting Day on the 4th Monday each month
- Time: At 10.30am
- Where: Eden RSL Club
- Address: 84A Bass Street, EDEN NSW 2551
Bev on 0419 425 509
Email: clubedenview@gmail.com
Club News
Meet Our 2024 Committee
At the February meeting the new Committee who will guide our Club so ably through the year, were introduced, and can be seen in the accompanying photo.
Left to right - Secretary, Vivien; President,/Publicity Officer, Bev; Vice President, Mary; Treasurer, Kathy; Program Officer, Robyn; Assistant Secretary, Liz; Zone Councillor NG03, Anne.

Eden VIEW celebrates 33 years
Thirty-five ladies, including newly elected Cr Clair Mudaliar, enjoyed the Eden VIEW Club's 33rd Birthday at Florabel Cafe, Eden on 28th October. VIEW Club members from Bega, Eden, Merimbula Day and Merimbula Evening thoroughly enjoyed the luncheon. Guest Speaker was Nancy Weatherman, Deputy Commander of Eden Marine Rescue, who enthralled the ladies with her life history as a High School Teacher in Victoria and her experiences with Eden Marine Rescue for 11 years.
During lunch, Eden VIEW President, Bev Walker, explained that the name "Florabel" came from the first names of the Cafe owner, Sheri McEvoy's, mother and grandmother. Sheri's mother was the fashion editor of the Bulletin in Sydney in 1937 at the age of 17 and Sheri's grandmother was the head chef at the elegant Metropole Hotel in Sydney in the 1930s. Florabel Cafe reflects the skills and talents of these wonderful women.
All those ladies in attendance who had celebrated their birthdays in October were asked to cut the 33rd Birthday cake. 7 ladies presented themselves to attempt to cut the cake together. Much merriment ensued!!

Seafarers Beanie Knitters
On display were knitted Seafarers beanies which are very popular in the area with the fisherman.
Two very keen ladies showed us how to knit one and of course we modelled some.
An interesting site to view is the seafarers website.

Christmas in July 2024
Members held a fabulous Christmas in July at Oaklands, Pambula, with great food, great company, Christmas decorations and trivia; even Santa made a visit with his bag of chocolates for the 41 attendees. Members of the Bega, Merimbula Day, Merimbula Evening, Narooma and Eden VIEW Clubs were joined by invited guests for the event. There were over 20 raffle prizes generously donated by Eden VIEW Club members and the Eden Men's Shed. The Eden Men's shed also donated the Lucky Door Prize, a beautiful Cheese Board. Funds raised on the day will be used to sponsor our Club's 3 Learning for Life students.
The next luncheon meeting will be held at the Eden RSL Hall, Bass Street, Eden on Monday 26th August at 10.30am. Visitors and new Members are always made very welcome so if you would like to attend please contact Secretary Vivien on 0450 984 390 by 22nd August.

More fun Christmas in July

Enjoying the Christmas Celebrations

Birthday Celebrations in October 2023
Members celebrated our Club's 32nd birthday with a Brunch at Hotel Australasia in Eden during October. And what a party it was!! Members from Narooma, Bega, Merimbula and Eden were in attendance, as well as three ladies from the Eden Twofold ladies Club also attended.

Christmas in July 2023
Oaklands, Pambula was the venue for our Club's Christmas In July and what a great time was had with great food, great company, Christmas decorations and trivia. Santa made a visit with his bag of chocolates for the 32 Members and guests. VIEW Clubs from Bega, Merimbula Day and Merimbula Evening, joined our Eden Members for the festivities. A great time was had by all.
Photo L-R: Vivien, Mary and Bev.

2023 Eden VIEW Club Committee
"The Eden VIEW Club held a very successful Mother's Day raffle in May. The proceeds will enable the Club to sponsor another child through the Smith Family. The attached photo is of two of the wonderful VIEW Club members, Oxana & Kathy, selling the raffle tickets for the great prizes outside the Eden Newsagency."
Also in May
"The Eden VIEW Club ladies had a fun filled day at the Eden Sports & Recreation Club in May. Lawn Bowls was the task for the day! New member, Robyn, expertly organised the activities and some members, who had never bowled before, were "Jack High" by the end of the day. The attached photo is of the members celebrating their new skills!"