The Smith Family established the Children’s Future Education Endowment to give visionary Australians like you the opportunity to support children in need, not just this year or the next, but for future generations.
It was set up to provide The Smith Family with long-term sustainable funding, so we can continue to be there for young Australians and their families for the next 100 years and beyond.
Our vision is a world where every child has the opportunity to change their future, no matter what their circumstances. We believe that education is one of the most powerful change agents, and we work with young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty – so they can thrive now and into their futures.
Support children's education for generation to come
Gifts to the Endowment are invested by us through an external Fund Manager, and income generated from the investment is used each year to fund student scholarships on our core Learning for Life program.
Learning for Life provides a proven combination of financial, personal and practical support – recognising that children impacted by poverty need extra support to succeed at school and go on to further study or work.
The principal (your donation) will be kept intact and continue to generate income for The Smith Family for many years to come.
Perpetual Private has managed the Endowment since its inception in 2016 and was selected due to its solid reputation and expertise in the philanthropic market.

Scholarships in perpetuity

By investing in the Children’s Future Education Endowment, you can support the educational outcomes of children in need for generations to come.
Donations to the Children’s Future Education Endowment commence at $250,000. You can choose to split this amount over a period of up to five years, and once established, there is the opportunity to contribute additional funds at any time.
These pooled funds support Learning for Life scholarships in perpetuity.
You’ll also have the unique opportunity to name your Endowment gift, creating an enduring legacy for you and your family.
Our mother's legacy
Our mother, Hannah, was a volunteer with The Smith Family for 25 years. She devoted most of her time to helping people experiencing disadvantage. As a result, when she passed away, it was our intention to support The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program, so we placed all the funds from the sale of her home with The Smith Family.
It was proposed by both of us that the funds should be invested to enable the greatest benefit. We asked that the large deposit we made be invested for a perpetual fund in our mother’s name. As a result, the Children’s Future Education Endowment was established, and we were the first donors. Our plan was that the funds be used for tertiary students in the fields of science and engineering.
Growing up without the support needed to succeed in school leaves children without the education needed to succeed in life. With support from The Smith Family, they should be able to obtain a good job, and if they eventually have children, those children should not need the help they received.
The work of The Smith Family resonates with us because investing in the future of children in need helps break the cycle of poverty. Being able to see the results from attending talks by the graduates who have been helped is of great importance to us.
For others who might be considering supporting children experiencing disadvantage through The Smith Family, know that this will help future generations of families. But most of all, children who had no say in the circumstances they were born into will be able to develop and take their place in life with a better chance of success.

Investing in the futures of young Australians
At The Smith Family, we believe in the unlimited potential of children and young people in our nation.
We believe in the great power of education to help young people fully realise their potential, and we believe in the extraordinary generosity of the Australian people.
Those things combined can make an enormous difference.
Watch this video to find out more about what we do, how we help and how you can play a vital role.
More ways to support

Philanthropic giving

A gift in your will