Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Search results for "scholarship"
Showing 1 to 10 of approximately 78 items
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Equity in Education: Paving Pathways to University Success
Education is a transformative force, yet the path to higher education isn’t always easy. Professor Mark Scott AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Sydney, discusses the challenges and supports for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and outlines initiatives in the tertiary sector to dismantle these barriers.
Research and evaluation
Learn about the importance of research and evaluation. Give back today & help The Smith Family improve the lives of children in need.
Pathways, Engagement and Transitions: Most young people experiencing disadvantage engaged in post-school work or study, but concerns remain for future careers
Lifting School Achievement through Attendance
This Smith Family report is the first Australian study to demonstrate the relationships between students’ school attendance, achievement in English or Maths, school completion and post-school work or study.
Reform crucial to creating a better, fairer education system
Research: Attendance Lifts Achievement
New research draws on data collected over seven years from 30,000 disadvantaged Australian school students on The Smith Family’s Learning for Life educational scholarship program. The research contributes to ongoing national efforts to improve the educational outcomes of young Australians, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Wendy Harmer Found Solace at School
I found solace at school. I hope all children can get the same chance.
Celebrating Sheila’s extraordinary gift
Sheila Woodcock, from Newcastle in NSW, lived a simple life and rarely discussed money. Her friends were surprised to hear she left behind generous donations in her Will. Read more.
Showing 1 to 10 of approximately 78 items