Your bequest: a legacy that will last a lifetime
Your bequest will change the lives of Australian children in need
After you have taken care of your loved ones, including The Smith Family in your Will can be a simple way to make a lasting difference. Your bequest can make a positive difference for generations of disadvantaged Australian children.

Growing up in poverty meant Rhiannon couldn't fit in and enjoy school like the other students.
She couldn’t keep up in class, she lost confidence and the other children made fun of her. Increasingly, Rhiannon withdrew and eventually she just wished she was invisible. Unfortunately, Rhiannon’s story isn’t unique; The Smith Family work with children just like her every day.
Leaving a gift in your Will means that you can change the future for generations of disadvantaged children. Your gift will provide ongoing support and effective out-of-school learning programs throughout a child’s education. These will help future generations of disadvantaged children to build the skills they need to find their inner confidence, realise their potential and create a better future for themselves – just like Rhiannon has.
Expenditure to administer programs and run the organisation is integral to our sustainability and outcomes.
We make every dollar count
With a bequest to The Smith Family, you’ll know your legacy will have the greatest impact on helping disadvantaged Australian children transform their lives through education.
For over 100 years we’ve been making every dollar count. In the five years to June 2023 72% of donations from our supporters has been spent on our community programs helping Australian children. 28% of our resources has been invested in the vital activities that build our continuing organisational capacity and sustainability.

Gift in Wills stories

What your gift can do

Meet Jon
How to leave a gift in your Will
Step 1. Speak to your family and loved ones
Step 2. Decide what kind of gift to leave
You can make a specific bequest by simply stating the dollar amount in your Will that you wish to leave to The Smith Family.
You may wish to make a gift of a specific asset, for example real estate, shares or bonds, or an item of particular value.
Step 3. Get the help of a professional solicitor
Step 4. Making your Will
To include your chosen gift to The Smith Family when you write your Will, provide your solicitor with the following wording:
“I ..................bequeath to The Smith Family ABN 28 000 030 179 (insert the percentage or residue of your client’s estate, the amount of money, or the details of assets your client wishes to leave). My bequest is to be used for the general purposes of The Smith Family. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other proper officer shall be a complete discharge of my bequest.”
How to inform us of your gift
When I was young, I enjoyed studying and wanted more than my circumstances allowed. I’ve been blessed with a full life, and wish to give back, to help other children like myself have educational choice’s and a chance to live their best life. Leaving a bequest to The Smith Family is a great way to support youth education. It’s one way to leave a legacy that shows you care.