Donate to The Smith Family

Your donation can help prevent poverty from standing in the way of any Australian child.
All children have hopes and dreams for their future – and financial disadvantage should not be a barrier for any child to fulfil their potential.
Your support today will help provide children in need with access to our tailored out-of-school learning support and mentoring programs, to help them catch up, keep up, and stay motivated in school.
With access to the learning support that all children need to achieve their best, these young Australians will have the chance to overcome the obstacles created by poverty and achieve all they are capable of.
Ways to give

A gift in your will

Monthly donation

Single donation

Workplace giving

Sponsor a Child

Philanthropic giving
Your gift will have a proven impact
Education is one of the most powerful change agents.
All of our learning and mentoring programs are evidence-based and subject to ongoing monitoring and evaluation. Data shows that children who receive our support attend school more consistently, are more likely to progress through to Years 10 and 12, and pursue further education at higher rates compared to their peers without such support1. The results show just how effective targeted out-of-school support is in enabling children to get the most from their education.
By donating today you’ll be joining like-minded people across Australia who are determined to make sure every child has an equal chance to achieve their best and gain the skills to build a better future.
Together, we can give children every opportunity to learn today – so they can change tomorrow.
Thank you.
1 2022 Poverty in Australia, ACOSS/UNSW Report