Golden Circle
The Smith Family and Golden Circle, two iconic brands, have joined forces to help create a world where every child has the opportunity to change their future.
Like us, Golden Circle believes education is one of the most powerful change agents. That's why, from 29 January until 2 March, they'll donate 5 cents from the sale of every six-pack of their juice boxes at Coles, Woolworths and Metcash stores to The Smith Family as part of their Sip & Support campaign (up to $100,000 across participating retailers).
Funds raised go towards our flagship Learning for Life program to provide financial, personal and practical support to make a significant impact throughout the entire length of a child's education - starting before school in the early childhood years, through primary and secondary years, and into post-school years.

Golden Circle's generous support helps young Australians get the extra learning support they need today, to unlock their potential for tomorrow.
Find out more about Golden Circle here.