Camp Australia helping The Smith Family get kids back to school
Over 300 schools partnered with The Camp Australia Foundation in 2013 to raise money through Camp Australia’s before and after school care programs . Anthony Philips, Director of The Camp Australia Foundation said, “We are committed to making a positive difference to children’s lives through education. The Smith Family’s Back 2 School Day was a natural extension of this. The Camp Australia Foundation was proud to match every dollar raised.”
The Smith Family’s Corporate Partnerships Manager, Leigh Bartlett, attended the presentation at Camp Australia’s headquarters in Glen Iris and acknowledged the extraordinary support and effort of Camp Australia in raising much-needed funds.
“The Smith Family is a national charity that believes in the power of education to transform lives and break the cycle of disadvantage and we are only strengthened by the generous support of charity partners such as Camp Australia,” Mr Bartlett said. “Camp Australia is a wonderful organisation which makes a positive difference to the lives of young Australians, and we thank them for their fantastic efforts in raising over $26,000 for The Smith Family’s Back 2 School Day.”
The Smith Family’s Back 2 School Day is a national fundraising campaign to help young Australians in need build better futures for themselves by providing long-term support for their education. By encouraging people to dust off their old school uniforms and dress up at work, or arrange their own bespoke activities, The Smith Family aims to raise both awareness and much-needed funds.
Some of the Back 2 School Day fundraising activities at Camp Australia included teddy bears picnics, discos, dress-up days, an art exhibition and guessing games with all money raised going towards providing education essentials to primary school children across Australia.
Back 2 School Appeal 2014 will be launched on Monday 27 January.
Media contacts:
Andrew Dickson | National Media Manager (National) - 0421 285 529 | andrew.dickson@thesmithfamily.com.au
Carla Horton | Senior Media Advisor (QLD & WA) - 0423 618 776 | carla.horton@thesmithfamily.com.au
Reid Jermyn | Media Advisor (VIC, SA & NT) - 0412 803 566 | reid.jermyn@thesmithfamily.com.au
Ben Chenoweth | Senior Media Advisor (NSW, ACT & TAS) - 0413 346 934 | ben.chenoweth@thesmithfamily.com.au
The Smith Family is a national children’s education charity that helps young Australians experiencing disadvantage to create better futures for themselves through harnessing the power of education. We partner with around 800 Australian schools and work with over 162,000 children and young people experiencing disadvantage access our education support programs to help them overcome . For more information, visit thesmithfamily.com.au