Why careers support for young people should start in primary school
There is an urgent need for a more effective and comprehensive approach to careers support that helps all young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to participate in Australia’s 21st-century economy.
While there are pockets of excellence in the existing approach to careers support within schools, it tends to be ad hoc and the quality of support is inconsistent. Current approaches also remain influenced by ideas developed for an economy which is markedly different from today.
In my work with The Smith Family, I’ve seen the challenges facing schools in our most disadvantaged communities. At a recent meeting with a careers adviser at an outer-suburban high school, we talked about the difficulties she faced trying to support 240 young people on her own – with many of her charges growing up with few role models who are in regular employment. I will never forget her saying that you can't expect young people to "aspire to what they can't see".
On the positive side, she noted the impact of experiential careers programs that provide students with direct exposure to employers and the world of work. This correlates with research showing young people who can recall four or more structured career activities across their school life are five times less likely to be unemployed or disengaged from education or training as a young adult.
With a staggering 807,000 – or 25 per cent – of Australia’s 3.2 million young people now unemployed, under-employed or not in the labour force or education, these sorts of opportunities must be more readily available to support young Australians into employment.
This starts by connecting the worlds of education and employment as young people move through school.
There is a growing body of research about the importance of starting careers-focused activities and conversations in primary school. That’s because children start to form stereotypes around jobs and study from an early age, through the unconscious influences of parents, peers and the wider community where they live.
The Smith Family is piloting a program that introduces children to the careers space in Years 4 to 6. We know that in primary school, some children are already starting to exclude certain career or study options – and once these limits are set, they will rarely go on to consider broader alternatives.
That’s a real shift in thinking for many of us because traditionally we’ve tended to start those career conversations with our kids later in life. But the evidence would suggest that, particularly for disadvantaged students, that’s too late.
Quality and timely careers advice is critical to help young people develop ambitious and realistic aspirations, and put in place plans to achieve them. Students must be supported in their education and post-school planning from an early age, so they are fully informed about the pathways that match their interests and passions.
Also critical is providing personal guidance, mentoring, skills development and targeted support, particularly for those at risk of leaving school early. It requires a far more individualised approach than can be offered by a single careers adviser in a highly disadvantaged school.
Originally published by SMH / The Age Sunday 02 June 2019
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Andrew Dickson | National Media Manager (National) - 0421 285 529 | andrew.dickson@thesmithfamily.com.au
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The Smith Family is a national children’s education charity that helps young Australians experiencing disadvantage to create better futures for themselves through harnessing the power of education. We partner with around 800 Australian schools and work with over 162,000 children and young people experiencing disadvantage access our education support programs to help them overcome . For more information, visit thesmithfamily.com.au