Thank you for making Christmas special for disadvantaged families
Every year, our volunteers, supporters and corporate partners come together to bring Christmas joy to disadvantaged families. It’s a tradition that dates right back to our beginning in 1922, when five businessmen delivered gifts to orphans on Christmas Eve.
This Christmas, 1500 volunteers helped deliver 45,000 toys and over 30,000 books to nearly 6,800 families in need. Each pack was made up of new toys and books donated through our Toy and Book Appeal.

Past Learning for Life student, Erick, is an adult now with a son of his own. But he’s never forgotten how The Smith Family volunteers and supporters gave his family the type of Christmas they could have only dreamed of.
“My little brother, Jamie, and I would stand by the window waiting for The Smith Family car to drive up … It was like two big bags that were bought. My mum wouldn't even bother wrapping it because we would rip it open and put the presents under the tree and just stare at them … It was the best,” said Erick.
But our supporters didn’t stop there. Our 2016 Christmas Appeal has raised $3.4 million to ensure disadvantaged students continue to have access to our vital learning programs throughout the year ahead.
Thank you for making it a very merry Christmas!
Considering volunteering in 2017? Click here for our current volunteer opportunities.