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Child SponsorshipDonate now

Steven's story

Steven's Story

One of the darkest times Steven recalls is when his family was evicted from their home because they couldn't pay the rent. At this point, Steven couldn't see himself finishing high school, let alone going on to further study. Things turned around when he was connected with The Smith Family’s sponsorship and mentoring programs. Steven has not only since graduated from school, but he’s now studying a diploma of Commerce. He is looking forward to the future, but what means the world to him more than anything else, is seeing the smile on his mum’s face.

Writing to your sponsored student

We are often told by our sponsored students how motivating and encouraging it can be to hear from their sponsor – someone who they haven’t even met, who cares about them and their future.

That’s why we encourage you to correspond with your sponsored student. You can do so by any method you choose and at any time of year.

We do understand and respect that you may not wish to write to your student, correspondence is optional and we thank you for your generous sponsorship.

You can find more information about corresponding with your sponsored student here.


Every time that Sophie receives a card or letter from her sponsor we treasure it – she keeps them in a special treasure box. She loves to receive them.
Alison, mother of Learning for Life student, Sophie.

how your sponsorship will help a student

Financial support, to pay for books, shoes and a complete school uniform, as well as school books and extra-curricular activities like school excursions.
Your sponsored child will be matched with one of our Learning for Life Coordinators who offers support with their schooling and links them to local learning opportunities.
Students gain great emotional support and encouragement just knowing that their sponsor, whom they will never meet, cares enough to invest in their future.

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