School community partnerships
The lack of educational equity is a challenge facing Australia today
The Smith Family sees meaningful partnerships between school and the broader community as critical to improving the educational outcomes for low socio-economic students in the primary and secondary years of schooling. This in turn is a foundation for improving their participation in higher education and employment post-school.
These kinds of partnerships reflect that learning and education are the responsibility of the community as a whole and not schools alone.
That's why The Smith Family facilitates partnerships with key community organisations, businesses and institutions. They can contribute to keeping young people engaged in learning and assist their smooth transition from school to work or further education.
The Smith Family enables and promotes strong, long term and genuine school-community partnerships that enable schools to leverage resources, skills and support from beyond the education system to achieve the best outcomes for children and their families.

Our school community partnerships

These partnerships are negotiated with local communities and have included: Partnerships for Education (previously School Community Hubs) and Community Hubs Australia.
Some of our existing partnerships include:
- Wyndham Partnerships for Education, Victoria
- Swan Education Precinct, Western Australia
- Launceston School Community Partnership, Tasmania
- Wynyard School Community Partnership, Tasmania