Child and Parent Centres
Established by the WA State Government, Child and Parent centres help give children the best possible start in life by improving access to a range of early learning, parenting, child and maternal health and well–being programs and services.
The Centres provide support to families with young children aged from birth to eight years, through family friendly facilities and programs and services to support parents, and help children develop and learn in their early years.
The Centres also form a hub where multiple schools in the local area use the Child and Parent Centre for a range of activities for their students and families.
The Western Australia state government has committed to the establishment of 22 Child and Parent Centres on selected public school sites in Western Australia.
The Smith Family operate two of the Centres; one in Westminster, based at Westminster Junior Primary School and; one in Girrawheen, based at Roseworth Primary School.
The WA Department of Education is the lead agency for the initiative, working in partnership with other government departments and non-government organisations, selected to manage and provide services at each Child and Parent Centre site.
Contact us
Child and Parent Centre Westminster
24 Marloo Road,
Westminster, WA 6061
Telephone: 08 9440 1097.
Child and Parent Centre Roseworth
1 Stoke Court,
Girrawheen, WA 6064
Telephone: 08 9342 6363.